Welcome to Orange Ramphastos portfolio
Drawing of Orange Ramphastos

I have loved drawing since I was a young child. When I was around 8, I really started drawing more and learning how to make better art. My passion to be an artist is because I want other people to enjoy looking at art.

I mostly draw cute things, primarily animals, because I enjoy looking at them as well as creating them. I also draw characters from games I play or shows I enjoy watching. In the past, I drew a lot of anime characters when I wanted to use my skills as a manga author.

Noelle M. Brooks and the Fauna Focus community are some of my biggest inspirations. They ignited and fuel my love of creating animal art. She inspired me to start creating the kinds of art that I now love creating.

I thoroughly enjoy creating art and can see the growth that I have made as I continue to refine my skills and learn more techniques. I can't wait to see what creative endeavours I will be taken on as the artwork that I create continues to grow and improve.

Website designed by doc_kwyjibo.